Thursday, June 22, 2006

Hey Kay-sar!

Big Brother All-Stars started last night with the announcement of which past participants are up to re-enter the BB7 House! 6 out of the 12 participants who go back in are going to be voted into the house by the viewing public... (I'm assuming the other 6 will be picked by CBS to make the biggest racket with the first 6 *lol*)

Everyone please please PLEASE do me a favour and vote for my fave Kaysar.

Click Here to go to Kaysar's page at, then click on the "Vote for Me" graphic to vote for Kaysar!
Isn't he abso-freaking-lutely gorgeous?!
Below is his Pic from last year's BB6 of which he was the most popular member. (He was voted back into the house in one viewer vote with over 80% of the vote)

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Some (but not all) blinkies adopted from:

Others found randomly around the net and put here to use for my own nefarious purposes! Muahahahaha. (*J/K*)