Impatiently Waiting
I'm (Im)patiently waiting for my fabrics to arrive from Silkweaver. After nearly mauling my mail carrier for the last month and a half wondering when my free fabrics were going to be here, I got an email on Tuesday telling me that they'd been shipped. I can't complain too much about the speed though. I emailed Tracey at Silkweaver and asked if I could trade a few of my 10 smaller free pieces for one large piece that I need to finally start stitching Fairy Celebration. (see the bottom of this post) She had no problem with that and said that she was crazy busy right now but as soon as she got the piece dyed she'd ship them out to me. Since the piece I was looking for was a custom size piece and she had to cut and then dye it for me, it wouldn't be one she normally had in her stash.
I'm hoping that US/Canada Post don't take too long with the delivery. Hopefully they'll be here early in the week, because I could go completely nuts knowing that they should be here any day but not knowing when. The worst part is Canada Post recently assessed our mailbox as being too dangerous where it is and moved us to a community mailbox. We now get our mail about 1km down the road, which is nice when it comes to shoveling out our mailbox in the winter time, but it also means that I can't just run down to the mailbox while the baby's sleeping. I've actually got to get the kids up, dressed and ready for outside, then head over to the mailbox-- only to find that there's a flyer for the Beltone hearing test that comes to town once a month.
Needless to say, I don't make it to the mailbox every day now that it's moved.
Speaking of "Waiting", I realized that I never posted the 90 hour picture I took back in January. lol. It's been a while since I've done much stitching on it. Here's the most recent picture, taken January 31, 2007 at 90 hours work. The window and outside the window are completely done. I'm now working on the dreaded bieges in her dress again, though I haven't been working on her much, so no more pictures yet.
Tomorrow is Olivia's Ice show and she's going to be a snowflake with the other preschoolers. (the boys are snowmen) The costume is finally finished as of last night. I spent the evening hot glueing stars and sequens in the shape of snowflakes onto her costume. Then I velcroed a large snowflake on the back that one of the other mothers cut out and spraypainted silver.
The whole thing is very cute. I'll post some pictures tomorrow after the show is done.
Tonight however I'll be spending the evening decorating trees. The theme for the ice show is A Walk in the Park - Four Seasons, and we need 4 trees-- one for each season. We cut down four small birch trees in the woods behind my house and put them in buckets half filled with cement. Of course the winter tree is easy, I spreay painted some white on it to look like snow/frost and it's ready. Easy Peasy. But the other three are quite a bit more work.
I'm currently working on the summer tree. I'm using green painters tape to tape bunched up squares of green tissue paper to the branches. I've only got about forty minutes on it so far because I can't work on it when the kids are up. I'll most likely be spending all evening and half the night tonight working on it. Janice is coming over right now to pick up the spring and fall trees. They only need about half the amount of "leaves" on the trees because they would either be just starting to grow in the spring, or already half gone in the fall. Hopefully we'll get them done without losing too much sleep. It would have been a lot easier if Jason didn't have to work, then I could spend the whole day downstairs working on it, but unfortunately he does, and I couldn't get anyone to come watch the kids for a few hours, so I'm stuck doing it tonight instead.Here's a picture so far. I got about 40 minutes work on it when Rachel was napping earlier. Olivia was a bit of a pest getting into everything down there while I was working, but we managed for a bit. Hopefully I have enough green tissue paper to finish it. Janice stopped and checked at one of the local stores to see if there was any more, but there wasn't. She picked up some green crepe paper streamers instead. I can attach these the same way, I think, but it might still look quite a bit different. Instead, I might try mixing the streamers in with the tissue paper so it looks more naturally mixed in, instead of on half one shade of green and the other half another shade. I dunno, we'll see how it looks tomorrow.
Looking at it again in the picture, I think I might tie up that rogue branch on the left side and make it a bit more uniform looking. Then again life's not always about uniformity is it?
Damn, I get all profound and stuff at a quarter after 11 at night don't I?
Alright, I'm pooped. Off to bed for me! Later everyone.
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